Camilla Gasretova x replicant
Camilla Gasretova
Camilla Gasretova -- digital fashion constructor and designer from Moscow.

She is motivated to create digital fashion, because it is a new way to speak up and could be a tool to fight overproduction and overconsumption.

The collection combines six garments, two key colors play the main role here - white and black. The outfits were primarily created from the fabrics and materials used in everyday life - silk, velvet, lace, knitted fabrics. So it makes it easier to spot the similarity and close connection between digital and physical fashion. Camilla wants to showcase that virtual outfits could go much further than being just cool content for Instagram. It could lead us to conscious consumption and avoid unecessary production and resources waste. Digital fashion is created just the same way as the physical clothing, which means that it could be produced in a real world - this time only in really demanded quantities.